Apr 2019 : Meridian Bolt on Transducers Complete NIST force group testing

A major step in the road to our ME-Trackweigh® series of train weighing systems receiving  NTEP certification for Trade approved use in the US was achieved this month with the completion of lab testing of our hardware at the NIST force group in Gaithersburg, Maryland USA.

Our patented Meridian bolt on rail transducers were attached to sample rail specimens and found to comply with the National Type Evaluation requirements for Class IIIL loadcells.

The basic requirements to meet ClassIIIL specification is essentially an accuracy of better than 0.1% across the working range of the loadcell and to maintain this accuracy over a temperature range of -10 degC to + 40 degC. Creep performance of the loadcell must also meet these accuracy requirements over the same temperature range.

With the successful completion of NTEP laboratory testing, Our final step to complete for NTEP certification now is for testing of an actual Trackweigh® system installed and operating. Meridian are offering special incentives to prospective customers who purchases a system which could then be used to complete NTEP site testing requirements.

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